BICOM Consult / AfrikaHouse is Norwegian based business, with the
objective to connect the world business to Africa and Africa business to
the world. We are committed to Africa.
There several factors to consider when planning to do business in Africa. We stand as a liaison between several businesses (producers/manufacturers) in Africa and the rest of the world, with a strong hub in Rwanda.
Rwanda is one
of Africa's fastest-growing economies with growth averaging more than 6%
every year since the turn of the century. It's ranked #1 of "Best 10
Countries for Doing Business in Africa". In 2018, it recorded the most
business reforms in the region. The world bank says it has "carried out
the most reforms since the inception of Doing Business 16 years ago."
major point of improvement pointed out in world bank's Doing Business
2019 is the ease of starting a business in Rwanda. It has replaced its
bureaucratic structures with an electronic system. In 2018, it replaced
its stifling special billing machine system for value-added tax invoices
with free software that allows taxpayers to issue value-added tax
invoices from any printer. Also, the country is only second to New
Zealand in the ease of property registration in the world.